Wednesday, October 6, 2010

August Garden

Our poor garden was rather neglected this summer. No attention given to it in June or July. Started giving the garden a bit of love in August. When we came back from China, we realized that we were under attack from primarily garden slugs (probably because we had above average rainfall for the summer). Tried drowning the slugs in beer, but that only seemed to bring out more slugs. Ended up using lots of Sluggo...which actually seemed to work quite well.
We did end up replacing and replanting quite a bit. Ripped out the catmint. Put in a new boxwood hedge. Stuck in a line of "lollipop roses". The "hill" seems much more colorful and finished (for the time being). Moved the white anabelle hydrageas to other parts of the yard (they were getting too leggy) and put in more blue hydrageas. And certainly, replaced lots of annuals damaged by rabbits and slugs. Losing battle this year.

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