Wednesday, October 6, 2010

August Garden

Our poor garden was rather neglected this summer. No attention given to it in June or July. Started giving the garden a bit of love in August. When we came back from China, we realized that we were under attack from primarily garden slugs (probably because we had above average rainfall for the summer). Tried drowning the slugs in beer, but that only seemed to bring out more slugs. Ended up using lots of Sluggo...which actually seemed to work quite well.
We did end up replacing and replanting quite a bit. Ripped out the catmint. Put in a new boxwood hedge. Stuck in a line of "lollipop roses". The "hill" seems much more colorful and finished (for the time being). Moved the white anabelle hydrageas to other parts of the yard (they were getting too leggy) and put in more blue hydrageas. And certainly, replaced lots of annuals damaged by rabbits and slugs. Losing battle this year.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Arbor vitae "wall" comparison

Can't necessarily tell that the arbor vitae have grown much. But the russian olive and the hydrangeas sure have!

Growth and a few comparison shots

The white roses appeared yesterday. Nice contrast to the catnip. And a comparison shot to show growth..
May 12

Monday, May 24, 2010

Front yard planters

Planted these on May 17. Three pots cost approximately $50. Really went full-out experiment on these. Dianthus, persian shield, and snow princess. All new this year. Put in a few standby a "just in case" everything else dies. Moved the pansies from the pots to the area in front of my asian garden.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Window boxes on detached garage

Window boxes on detached garage went in today. In each planter. Impatients (2 packs of 6); Lobelia (1 pack of 4); Portulaca (1 pack of 4); Nicotiana (1 pack of 4 plus one extra of 5 in each planter). Total cost for 3 boxes approximately $50. Expecting portulaca to be questionable in this spot...but we will see...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Strawberries and herbs

On the experiment list is a strawberry pot...alpine and everbearing strawberries in the pot. I had 4 alpine strawberries extra so I put them in the ground next to the thyme and sage (can't believe how well that has come back!) and 2 new italian parsley plants. Bought 3 sweet basil plants and put them next to the lavender. Also one french tarragon plant too.

First batch of annuals

The first batch of annuals went in yesterday afternoon. Planted the window boxes above the garage. Experimented a little more this year. Still put in a few impatients (3 packs) and pansies (4 packs) and vinca vines (4 vines). Since the snapdragons (3 packs) actually did well last year towards the latter part of summer, we put in some of those as well. Splurged and bought 4 big new guinea impatiens (really liked the color of the leaves). So the experiments are the trailing lobelias (2 packs of 6 minis) , zinnias (4 packs), and argryanthemums (2). Total cost $110-ish including herbs and strawberries. Really hoping the argryanthemums do well since I put them in front and center.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Garden update

We've had a nice week of rain....but suddenly very cold. May 8 (day before mother's day) held a threat for an inch of slushy snow....which thankfully never materialized. Frost warnings. Still haven't put in annuals yet. Waiting on a warm up.
Jim installed soaker hoses and put them on automatic timers throughout our garden beds....come to think of it...that's probably why it started to rain.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More growth

Couple more photos to track growth. I'm been very surprised by how much the clematis has sprouted....spring seems early this year.

Arbor vitae "wall" measurement

I'm using this photo as a measure to see how much our "wall" grows this year. Will be taking another photo in the fall. I wish it would sprout up like a bamboo wall. Photo taken from patio.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More spring prep

Mir-Acid for the evergreens, azaleas, and rhodedendrons today and blue up mixed into soil for the blue hydrangeas. Pruning sealer for the arbor vitae, russian olives, and other trees that got eaten up by rabbits. Darn those rabbits. Wish they would go eat in someone else's yard.
Dry dry dry. Really could use some rain. We've started watering in earnest.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Post Spring Cleanup

Not much color yet. Mostly just the yellow pansies...which are doing quite well. They have noticeably grown and are working on filling out the pots. Should be in nice shape when it's time to change out the urns. I'm thinking about replanting the pansies in front of the asian garden...should I ever get the pond working.

Azaleas are in bloom and the hydrangeas are sprouting nicely. A nice surprise is that the thyme and sage have come back in the herb garden.

Spring Cleanup

The christmas spruce tips were pulled this week. The evergreens were spiked. Will be mixing compost into the flower beds tomorrow. Things are starting to green up! It's looking like spring.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Got the fountain up and running over the weekend. Will be pulling out the holiday evergreens this week and mixing in the winter compost into the flower anticipation of an early may planting.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Planting

Our pansies went in containers yesterday and today. We are seeing the first buds and shoots coming out. Reminder to order fall bulbs. Thinking about putting in bulbs in the flower bed along the back wall and down the front wall (in front of the nine bark diablo).