Thursday, April 22, 2010

More growth

Couple more photos to track growth. I'm been very surprised by how much the clematis has sprouted....spring seems early this year.

Arbor vitae "wall" measurement

I'm using this photo as a measure to see how much our "wall" grows this year. Will be taking another photo in the fall. I wish it would sprout up like a bamboo wall. Photo taken from patio.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More spring prep

Mir-Acid for the evergreens, azaleas, and rhodedendrons today and blue up mixed into soil for the blue hydrangeas. Pruning sealer for the arbor vitae, russian olives, and other trees that got eaten up by rabbits. Darn those rabbits. Wish they would go eat in someone else's yard.
Dry dry dry. Really could use some rain. We've started watering in earnest.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Post Spring Cleanup

Not much color yet. Mostly just the yellow pansies...which are doing quite well. They have noticeably grown and are working on filling out the pots. Should be in nice shape when it's time to change out the urns. I'm thinking about replanting the pansies in front of the asian garden...should I ever get the pond working.

Azaleas are in bloom and the hydrangeas are sprouting nicely. A nice surprise is that the thyme and sage have come back in the herb garden.

Spring Cleanup

The christmas spruce tips were pulled this week. The evergreens were spiked. Will be mixing compost into the flower beds tomorrow. Things are starting to green up! It's looking like spring.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Got the fountain up and running over the weekend. Will be pulling out the holiday evergreens this week and mixing in the winter compost into the flower anticipation of an early may planting.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Planting

Our pansies went in containers yesterday and today. We are seeing the first buds and shoots coming out. Reminder to order fall bulbs. Thinking about putting in bulbs in the flower bed along the back wall and down the front wall (in front of the nine bark diablo).